Summertime tips

opbellenLast month I was at a birthday party and a man came and asked if I was May from Your Day with May, Eh, yes, that would be me. He told me he really enjoyed my page and really found some of the things I posted really helpful. Great to meet a fan! He suggested I once in a while make a quick overview of some of my posts. As we are still a bit in a vacation mode, this seems the right moment. Here you go, dear language student, and let me know what you think!

For Beginners:,   is an overview of sights, from easy math to the civic exam and much more. I find Gespierde Taal particularly useful if you have never really studied a language before.

Intermediate:. Practice your pronounciation here.

I got a reaction from a colleague who wondered why I recommend a Flemish site. The main differences between those two are with the vocabulary and the pronunciation of the “g”. I still think it is a useful site, and the soft g is used in parts of the Netherlands as well, although I personally cannot do it J  If you like another pronunciation site, let me know, I don’t know very many free ones.

Advanced: Scheidbare werkwoorden, or separable verbs. Yikes! Even my most advanced students struggle with them. The stress falls on the preposition: af-wassen. In the main clause: ik was af, ik waste af. In a dependant clause: omdat ik afwas. In the perfect tense: ik heb afGEwassen. And to really give you a headache: in the infinitive: om af te wassen. Ouch. Sorry. You will have to practice a lot, you will find material here.…/werkw…/scheidbare-werkwoorden/

Veel plezier en tot gauw!

